

   学生隊長の任命 学生隊長から分派班長の任命 幹部会同の様子 捜索地域の説明来る8月29日(土)より2週間の行程で、『ソロモン諸島ガダルカナル島戦没者未送還遺骨情報収集活動 第5次自主派遣』を実施するにあたり、現在、当会の有志会員並びに特定非営利活動法人JYMA日本青年遺骨収集団の学生さんと協同で、日々、派遣に向けた準備会、幹部会同を行っております。





[The 5th voluntary dispatch for the collecting information of Japanese war dead remains in Guadalcanal Island]

We perform preparations for the activity in cooperation with the volunteer members especially students from the non-profit organization JYMA, Japan youth memorial association, every day now on carrying out “the 5th voluntary dispatch for the collecting information of Japanese war dead remains in Guadalcanal Island by a trip 2-week, from Saturday, August 29.

In the preparations, we procure food and equipment including rations, souvenirs to the local corporative people. The maintenance of the radio and making operation guide are important. We examine operation program, the activity place while taking safety management into consideration by the executive assembly. Making such preparations will be very significant for the field activity.

Since an offer start of this May, we carried out an introduction course, an interview, mountain climbing training. It is only three weeks until departure. We do the best for preparations as much as we can, and thank for daily aid to students from JYMA who assist those above preparations. In addition, we cannot miss activity and the advice of a local representative giving information. Moreover, new members must attend “the upper lifesaving class” at a fire department in Tokyo in order to be educated risk reduction for the jungle activity. We also hold the memorial service by Buddhist priests & Shinto priests in Guadalcanal Island. Each member respects by a way of joining their hands in prayer, worship and moderation.

Postwar 70 years.
Japan lost the WWII but kept a peace. However, there are still 60, 000 soldiers left behind in local jungles in Solomon Islands. 1.13 million Solders are still missing in all over the Asian countries. In connection with Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, we will keep continue our activity with the feeling of the memorial service to the war dead. Besides the Japanese soldiers, the memorial services are held for the victims of Solomon Islanders and the U. S. & Australian officers & soldiers killed in action by our unit.

We express sincere appreciation for the support of all of you and encouragement